Hollow Models, Created Fast

Specialists in the production of packaging prototypes

A rapid prototype service with a difference…

Often when you need something quickly you realise that you have to make a compromise on quality. How many times have you ordered something because the company could get it to you the very next day, but when you open it, it’s not what you were expecting and is really of no use to you?

It can be the same when you use a traditional rapid prototype service.  Although the prototype gives you an idea of what your product will look like, it’s not the actual representation you were expecting. Often, when you’re under time pressures, you have to settle for a prototype that isn’t hollow, smooth or really all that much like your end product.

No compromise on quality

With Link Packaging Prototypes, when you require a quick turnaround, we will never compromise on quality.  Regardless of when you need your prototype, we make sure that each and every design is the best and most realistic it can be.

We produce realistic and exact 3D representations of your product.  Our hollow bottle models are smooth internally and externally and can be filled with liquid if required.  We can supply them as flexible or rigid and can create intricate detailing on the packaging including embossing/debossing, labels, other surface decoration, tint, colour or finish so you can see exactly what your product will look like when it is on the shelves in a retail outlet.

Our customers often can’t believe that our prototypes aren’t the real thing!

Why choose a rapid prototype service?

When launching a new product or even a new business, it is advisable to have a prototype developed before the product launch.  A prototype will enable you to make sure that your design and product is right for your chosen market before you press the button on full production.  It is perfect to take to focus groups where your potential end users will be able to see the product for themselves, as well as when you are pitching to potential investors or conducting meetings with retail outlets etc.

It will also give you the chance to make any last minute changes to the design.  Only when you are entirely happy will you be able to go into full production, knowing that your product looks the best that it can be.